The private security field has seen the entry of several players over the years, with low service quality and employee exploitation proliferating the industry. The majority of service providers in the industry take advantage of the low entry barriers and employee vulnerability to pay low salaries and offer poor service quality at a cheap price. Competing in this environment requires the organisation to have a clear vision of the value proposition offered to its Clients.
We at Jaguar have prided ourselves on the value proposition offered to our clients. We cater to a demanding clientele that identifies with our core values, and we consistently provide more for less. Our service quality is excellent and our prices reasonable. Our employees are the best paid in the industry, and we will work to maintain this advantage. As a result we do not suffer the general malaise of cadre shortage in the industry. With adequate numbers to service our Clients, we can better focus on service delivery. The sum total of this value proposition is a risk free superior service.
We attract and retain the required number of quality security officers for all our units, which ensures we are able to provide all our clients with uninterrupted services at all times. We take pride in putting our employees first, ensuring a contended workforce that can meet and exceed our client’s requirements.
We understand our client’s requirements and ensure those requirements are met to satisfaction. We give priority to communicating with our clients, using specifically designed tools to convey the required information. We develop the Unit Standing Orders in consultation with the client organisation and reference this document into our Security Service Agreement, ensuring commitment and follow-up. We review and update the Unit Standing Orders on a regular basis and train on this document to ensure standard operating procedures are followed by everyone. We are readily available to our clients, from the line manager or Visiting Officer to our Chairman/Managing Director. This ensures that client requirements are quickly dissipated to the operational staff.
Our competitive advantage is our management and supervision. Security officers in most reliable security companies perform a similar service at a similar quality level, while smaller and less focused companies perform at a lower quality level. Our officers are able to perform at a higher level of service quality due to the hands-on involvement of the working directors and senior management..
We are strong in the management and supervision of our security operation, to ensure that we meet our commitments at all times. Our security operations are conducted in teams, headed by the General Manager and the Security Manager, with an Area Manager / Visiting Officer, assigned to each unit. All teams come directly under the Managing Director and the Executive Director. In addition, the Security Manager works closely to plan and monitor the operation, while the Training Manager works with the line managers to ensure on-site training and development of the cadre and review of operational procedures. This will ensure that the entire management team will become well versed in the security requirements of the unit, and we will be able to work closely with the cadre deployed at the unit. The Directors are personally involved in planning, organising, staffing, and controlling operations, as well as HRM and Client Relationship Management. This ensures that security officers and Customers are always in direct contact with the Directors and senior management at all times.
We pay extra attention to ground operations, with emphasis on supervision and unit training, ensuring that management visits are carried out almost daily, at all units, day and night. Area Managers and Visiting Officers are trained to continuously assess employee performance and Customer requirements, through these regular visits. Regular Client meetings are organised where Client concerns are addressed; a systematic method of documentation and reporting of all incidents, instructions, and deployment variations is maintained; unit standing orders are prepared, reviewed and issued in consultation with the Client, detailing the duties and obligations of each and every officer deployed; and regular training is conducted to ensure that deployed officers are well versed in their respective standing orders, to ensure that our security service meets and exceeds customer expectations. Coupled with the close communication the directors and management maintain with our Clients, we are able to guarantee customer satisfaction.
All our security officers are individually vetted and personally interviewed by the directors prior to recruitment. On recruitment, all personnel are provided with basic training, including on-the-job training with other security officers. Our employees are guaranteed maximum wages for the stipulated duty, while employee welfare and wellbeing remain a top priority. We recognise our employees as our only asset, and we are also aware that they are our best Customer Relationship Managers.